Discovering Hyun Frère's naturally “wild” cuisine

© Sarah Moran Garcia

Cooking elevated to the rank of art, cooking as it is, natural. 
This is what chef Hyun Frère offers in his restaurant “Sauvage”, located in Angleur.

After having worked with François Pocatello in particular, Hyun Frère, a young chef of Korean origin, wanted a change, to have his own restaurant, to offer his own cuisine. So in December 2018, he took up residence in a sumptuous villa on the Route du Condroz, on the heights of Liège, with his restaurant called “Savage”.

© Sarah Moran Garcia
© Sarah Moran Garcia

A challenge that he did not hesitate to take up. With brio, moreover. Indeed, only ten months after its opening, Hyun Frère has managed to make a place for itself among the pages of the Gault & Millau guide.

However, cooking was not necessarily a vocation for this autodidact of 35 years who first worked in the visual arts. An old life, if we dare say it, that can be found in its dishes that are both beautiful and tasty.

Back to nature

Its cuisine, like the name of its restaurant, is an invitation to return to nature. Hyun never lets himself be locked into the shackles of a well-defined style. He likes to bounce back, imagine, discover and above all allow his customers to unearth new flavors.

© Sarah Moran Garcia

“My cuisine is very personal cuisine, very inspired by the Mediterranean, first of all. What comes to me from my past experience ”, explains the young chef. “But also from Asia, with a cuisine whose philosophy is to alter the product as little as possible. No overcooking, no distorted taste. My cuisine has no border limits, it is oriented towards all continents, towards all countries, where I like to look for special and very specific spices. ”

A culinary technique that he particularly appreciates? Lactic fermentation, better known under the term “lacto-fermentation”, which, for him, is a daring alternative to vinegars and other lemons, in order to bring a touch of acidity to his dishes.

Hyun Frère welcomes you in a modern, natural and warm setting.
Hyun Frère welcomes you in a modern, natural and warm setting. © Sarah Moran Garcia

If you want to discover Hyun's cuisine, count 52 € for the four-course menu, and 74 € for the six-course menu. For gourmets, it is even possible to treat themselves to a seven-course menu at a price of 87 €.

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