Stamps will soon be more expensive

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Stamp prices will be more expensive from January 1, said BIPT on Friday, which approved the increase. The prior stamp will cost 1.6 euro and the non prior stamp will cost 1.10 euro.

bpost asked BIPT to be able to increase the postal rates relating to the "basket of small users" in 2021. This basket consists of postal services falling under the universal postal service and used by individuals and small professional users, such as items of correspondence, parcels and registered items. 

The tariff increase amounts to 10.5% on average for the basket of small users as a whole which, in addition to prior and non-prior letters, includes unit prices for registered items, parcels and outgoing cross-border mail. This figure corresponds to the increase in 2020 (+ 11.4%).

It is the letter segment that will experience the increase, there will be no price increase for parcels.
The prior stamp will cost 1.6 euros (+ 32.2%), against 1.21 euros this year and 0.79 in 2017. The non-prior stamp will be sold at 1.1 euros, or 8.9% more than its current price (1.01 euro). 

"Compared to 2017, small users will pay together in 2021 an additional cost of around 150 to 200 million euros for the services offered by bpost. By applying such price increases, bpost, despite significant reductions in volume , can nevertheless continue to generate the same margins on the basket of small users ", notes BIPT.

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