In tribute to women suffering from cancer, this town hall is installing ... a washing machine

The washing machine in question. © © Twitter / ParisRouen

 In Saint-Pierre-de-Varengeville, near Rouen, the town hall wished to honor women affected by cancer. To do this, she installed ... a pink washing machine. 

As part of Pink October, breast cancer prevention month, the town hall of Saint-Pierre-de-Varengeville, paid tribute to women suffering from the disease. A laudable attention, but that was without counting the awkwardness of the green spaces of the municipality.

It is a pink washing machine, decorated with flowers, which was installed in a crossing. If the installation is aesthetic, it is above all sexist. An error that has not gone unnoticed on social networks. 

Contacted by 76Actu, the town hall denies any sexist intention. “We leave a great deal of freedom to the employees of the green spaces department… The director loves quirky, a little eccentric things. There was an old washing machine in the workshop, which he decided to use. Today he is a little sorry and surprised at the turn it is taking… ”

The town hall confides to understand that this “raises questions”, even “among the elected officials” and informs that discussions are underway to remove the washing machine.

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