The most dangerous cigarette smoke after a meal

Illustration © Getty Images

Smoking is bad for your health, we don't teach you anything. But did you know that some cigarettes are more dangerous than others? This is the case with that smoked after a good meal. You see? The one that “helps us digest”. Explanations. 

When we burn a cigarette right after eating, tobacco smoke passes directly into our stomachs, says Grazia magazine. Several studies have shown that smoking after a meal is equivalent to smoking several cigarettes at once. As Elle magazine points out, this is because the nicotine we swallow passes through our digestive tract and mixes with the oxygen in our blood.

“Tobacco is often added to other habits that are harmful to digestion, such as alcohol, fatty foods or coffee,” specifies Dr. Veyrie, a specialist in general, digestive, oncological and bariatric surgery, cited by Grazia. 


In the long run, this bad habit can cause gastritis or a stomach ulcer. It can also increase the risk of developing gastric cancer. Experts therefore recommend waiting 1.5 hours after a meal to light a cigarette. Obviously, not smoking at all is even better. 

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