For people in need of travel, these airlines offer “flights to nowhere”

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The plane is a means of transport that must take us from point A to point B. The coronavirus pandemic complicating travel, airlines are trying somehow to reinvent themselves. Qantas has listed “trips to nowhere”  from Australia. The principle? Passengers take off and land seven hours later at the same airport. 

The goal is the journey, not the destination. The trip will take place aboard a Boeing 747 Dreamliner usually reserved for intercontinental travel. Take off is scheduled for October 10. 134 tickets went on sale for prices between $ 566 and $ 2,734.

The plane will fly over Queensland, the Gold Coast, passengers will be able to see Sydney Harbor, the Great Barrier Reef, Bondi Beach ... Onboard entertainment is promised, including the surprise presence of a local celebrity.

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EVA Air in Taiwan had already offered such a flight on August 8. This was also the case with All Nipon Airways in Japan in August. A scenic flight will also take off this September 19 from Taipei. 120 tourists will embark to see Jeju Island in South Korea from the sky.

From an environmental point of view, the “flights to nowhere” are obviously shocking. But Qantas doesn't care: “People are hungry for travel. If the demand is there, we will consider organizing more such experiments while waiting for the borders to open. ”

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