The freshest poke bowls in the capital are eaten in Ixelles

© Tadao

Poke what? Poke bowl! This traditional Hawaiian dish, in which we find a mixture of fish, vegetables, fruits and rice, is the star of the Tadao restaurant. Generosity and color are on the menu at this Brussels bar. 

Tadao was born out of a family story. That of Cédric who, in 2017, decides to leave his high-ranking position, but which he considers to have been around, to embark on a new adventure: to travel around the world with his wife and their three children.

One New Year's Eve in Sydney, Australia, the family open to discoveries tries out Poke Bowls. She quickly fell in love with the idea of ​​“deconstructed sushi”. Parents love it, children validate. This traditional Hawaiian dish will inspire their next family project: opening a poke bowls bar once in Belgium. Their journey then turns into a real quest for the best compositions to offer in their future address. 

Back in Brussels, Cédric devotes 100% over a year to sharpening his concept and finding the perfect place to put his garnished bowls. It will be in the Saint-Boniface district, where the evenings are particularly lively. 

Tadao was named in homage to the Japanese plastic architect Tadao Ando, ​​whose works thrilled the whole family during a visit to the museum island of Naoshima. 

© Tadao

What can you find at Tadao? 

Exotic for Belgium, this concept of a bowl made up of ingredients in layers to be detailed then to mix with the rice which serves as its base, is available a priori with raw fish and various vegetables, fruits and seeds superimposed. But fish is only one option. Those who are not crazy about it can replace it with chicken, tofu, or others. 

 Tadao is a place where the bowls are organic and modular. This is why several options are available. You are first invited to choose your base: white, brown or black rice, quinoa or a mixed salad. Then the protein (salmon, chicken, tofu, egg or tuna) and toppings (prepared vegetables, fruits and seeds). And finally, the sauce. Mango, made with mango, ginger and mustard, is incredibly delicious.

For the undecided, signature bowls are also available. Big crush for the Vaiana poke. The combination of salmon, mango and young onions is deliciously fresh, like all the ingredients on offer. For a tasty, original and colorful meal, Tadao is the address that has become a must in Brussels. Probably the best Poke bowls we have tasted in the capital.

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