How did Jessica Simpson lose 45 pounds in just a few months?

Jessica Simpson © Getty / Instagram - Fotomontage HLN
Jessica Simpson's new figure wows her friends and foes alike. For the past few months, the actress has been working hard to lose weight, and her efforts are paying off: she displays Olympic form on her social networks. She also decided to share the secrets of her weight loss with her fans. 

According to her personal trainer, Harley Pasternak, Jessica Simpson is genuinely "motivated and determined" to take back control of her body and her life. "She said that her body hadn't been hers for ten years. Obviously, giving life is a wonderful thing. But now her body belongs to her again and she wants to be proud of it. "

Jessica and her trainer haven't bet everything on sport. They opted for a more comprehensive approach. The star's weight loss involves eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep (at least seven hours a night) and achieving a “progressive goal” on a daily basis. Initially, the singer was instructed to take 6,000 steps per day, then it rose to 12,000 steps per day. Since then, his goal has been set at at least 14,000 steps.

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Be active

“It might sound like a lot, but I'm not sweating and I'm not out of breath. I don't even have to put on sports clothes, I'll just go for a walk with my family, ”says Jessica. “We have a big family, so we're always on the go. And when we are at home, we are active in the garden or nearby. We take family walks, we go to see the pigs and the horses of the district. We are constantly active. ”

Jessica Simpson's diet has also been revised: she follows a regimen of three meals and two snacks a day. Each meal is made up of protein, fiber and healthy fats. For snacks, she eats celery with a tablespoon of peanut butter, a whole cracker with hummus, or an apple with three slices of turkey. When it comes to meals, she opts for products that are low in fat, such as egg white omelets, chicken, chickpeas, buckwheat noodles or shrimp skewers.

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Healthy choices

It is above all about making healthy choices and not depriving yourself. “She can continue to enjoy tasty meals, even if she now opts for healthier variants,” explains her trainer. “And if she has a birthday party one night and has a date the next day, she'll go to both events. You have to find a balance that doesn't make your regime too restrictive and too restrictive. ”

“It wasn't always easy,” admits the singer. “But it's working, I'm on the right track, and it's great. I just want to be a better version of myself ”. Jessica Simpson has already lost 45 kilograms, but the number on the scale isn't the most important. “We mainly work on our new habits and on how to maintain them. Every evening, before going to bed, she sends me an email with all the tasks she has done. She tells me if she has reached her goals for the day and if she sticks to her diet. This is the most important ”, concludes his coach

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