Guidance applications generate more problems than solutions

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A third of drivers stuck in traffic jams are looking for an alternative route on an application, according to a study by the Belgian Institute for Road Safety Vias on Thursday. Even if they feel it saves them time, the gain is often very limited. On the other hand, residents of neighborhoods where traffic is diverted may experience significant undesirable effects.

When stuck in a traffic jam, two in three drivers (67%) look for an alternative route. But one in 3 (32%) uses an application on their smartphone for this. People aged 18 to 34 use them more often (44%), while those over 55 are less likely to do so (18%).

“Guided by their applications”

For the institute, however, these tools are not a solution. Vias points out that the road network is sometimes so saturated that the problem only moves. "It often happens that users are guided by their applications in places such as residential areas not at all suitable for handling through traffic, which can lead to dangerous situations." The time saved, if any, often only comes in a few minutes, yet 79% of drivers believe they save time more than half of the time.

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Adaptation to traffic

Almost half of Belgian drivers (47%) check the traffic in one way or another before getting behind the wheel, most of them listening to the radio, even if those over 55 are more used to it than those over 55. young drivers. Among these informed motorists, one in 5 adapts their mode of transport if there is traffic jam, by taking the train or the bicycle. "They thus improve the situation for users who have no alternatives", encourages Vias.

Annoying maneuvers

In addition, not using your turn signals and constantly changing lanes of traffic are the behaviors that most annoy other drivers in traffic jams (both 47%). With good reason for the institute, which observes that the more the number of maneuvers increases, the more time users lose. "The car performing the maneuver takes the place of two cars for a while, which reduces the capacity on the road," says Vias. "The driver who changes lanes forces others to brake, which disrupts the flow of traffic." This behavior also increases the risk of an accident.

Phone while driving

To pass the time, one in 7 drivers (15%) takes their smartphone in hand. By taking the risk of being distracted and taking more time to restart or not seeing the bikers sneaking around. "In Wallonia, nearly 3% of drivers still call with their mobile phones in hand in traffic jams, a phenomenon which hardly exists in Flanders (0.5%)", deplores Vias. 

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