Lagging behind Biden, Trump crisscrosses America again

Florida, Pennsylvania, Iowa: three key states in three days. Donald Trump begins a marathon of meetings on Monday with the hope of catching up on Joe Biden by the November 3 election.


For his return to the campaign stands, he should try to galvanize his electoral base by touting his choice of Justice Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court.

The Senate, with a Republican majority, begins on Monday the hearing of this 48-year-old magistrate whose confirmation, which is little doubt, will permanently anchor the temple of American law in the conservative camp. 

"It looks like I'm immune, for - I don't know - maybe a long time, maybe a short time, maybe for life. Nobody really knows but I'm immune," said Sunday. tenant of the White House.

"Today you have a president who does not need to hide in his basement like his opponent" Joe Biden, he added.
Not much is known about immunity
The question of immunity to Covid-19 remains surrounded by many unknowns: we do not know with precision either the duration of the latter or the degree of protection offered by the antibodies.

At the end of August, researchers in Hong Kong announced that they had discovered the world's first proven case of re-infection with Covid-19, a few months after recovery.
In a brief statement released, Dr Sean Conley said the US president was "no longer considered to be at risk of transmitting" the virus to other people.

“Full and total green light from White House doctors,” Donald Trump tweeted, extrapolating from this letter. "This means that I cannot catch (the virus) and that I cannot transmit it. Good to know !!!".
Soon after, Twitter added a warning to this tweet, believing it to contain "misleading" information about Covid-19.

"Joe Biden coughed yesterday"
The former New York businessman, who relentlessly portrays Joe Biden, 77, as a puppet manipulated by his party's left wing, has also hinted that he may be ill.

“If you look at Joe, he was coughing terribly yesterday (Saturday), then he would grab his mask, then he would cough,” he said. "I don't know what that means, but the press hasn't talked about it much."

Since the announcement on October 1 of Donald and Melania Trump's positive test, Joe Biden's campaign team has been releasing their Covid test results daily, which have been negative so far.

However, greater opacity surrounds the President of the United States. His medical team stubbornly refuses to say when was his last negative test.

This posture fuels suspicions that he may not have taken a test for several days before he tested positive.

More than 214,000 people have died from Covid-19 in the United States.
“The worst possible leader”
"In January, I said President Trump was the worst leader possible to deal with a health crisis," Joe Biden tweeted Sunday night. "The past months have proven this to be true."

The old lion of the Democratic Party is now nearly ten points ahead of the national poll average and has also consolidated its advantage in voting intentions at the level of the decisive states for the election.

Faced with these worrying figures for his political future, Donald Trump invokes, more than ever, the memory of the surprise of 2016, hammering as if to be better convinced that history will repeat itself. "There is even more ENTHUSIASM this time around than in 2016". he tweeted. "HUGE CROWDS !!!".

On Sunday, the president also aroused the discontent of Dr. Anthony Fauci, a well-respected figure in the United States, after the use of his words in a clip of the Trump team's campaign on the coronavirus.

"The statements attributed to me without my permission by the Republican Party campaign team were taken out of context from a comment I made several months ago regarding the efforts of federal health authorities," lamented the famous director of the Institute of Infectious Diseases in a statement sent to CNN.

"These are the words of Dr. Fauci" which appear in this clip, replied Donald Trump on Twitter, adding: "We have done a phenomenal job, according to some governors."

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