Apple users deprived of Fortnite until summer 2021


The Fortnite phenomenon game will not return to the iPhone before the summer of 2021, unless its publisher, Epic Games, backs down in its battle against Apple, California justice confirmed on Friday.

Following the principle that "self-inflicted injuries do not constitute irreparable damage," Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers refused to force Apple to reinstall the survival-shooter on its devices, as requested by Epic Games.

The publisher of Fortnite has embarked on a battle against the electronics and technology giant, whose practices he considers "tyrannical" on iOS, its operating system for mobile devices.

He accuses him of levying a "tax" far too high (30%) on consumer transactions made via the App Store.

In August, Epic Games attempted to bypass iOS's payment system, and therefore commissions. 

No more access to updates

The tech giant immediately banned Fortnite from its store, and iPhone and iPad users can no longer download the game, or, if they already have it, they no longer have access to essential updates. to its proper functioning.

Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers had already validated this measure from Apple, considering that there was clearly a breach of the contract.

"Epic Games has never satisfactorily explained its eagerness, other than its contempt for the situation. The current impasse is its fault," she asserts in her decision on Friday, issued after the hearing of end of September.

The status quo in the conflict between the two groups should therefore continue until next summer, unless Epic accepts the terms of the initial contract, the "reasonable" solution, according to the judge. 

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