Fifteen years later, Tokio Hotel released a new version of their hit “Durch den Monsun”

In 2005, the German group Tokio Hotel released “Durch den Monsun”, a title which met with huge success and which allowed it to become known around the world. To celebrate this anniversary, Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer have decided to release a new version of their song. 

Initially, the members of Tokio Hotel wanted to record an acoustic version or a remix of “Durch den Monsun”. “But we realized that it was not the right thing to do,” Bill Kaulitz, the group's leader, told German channel N-TV. “We then thought about how 'Monsun' would sound if we had recorded it for the first time in 2020. Within minutes, the beat - which sounded like a journey - was there. This is exactly how we have always interpreted this title. Everything that has happened with Tokio Hotel in the last fifteen years started with this song ". 

“'Monsun' is not just a memory from 2005, but a song that has accompanied us for 15 years,” added group bassist and pianist Georg Listing. This song combines “all the great hits that we have celebrated over the years”. “We performed the song under the Eiffel Tower on French National Day in front of 500,000 people, we performed it at our first concert in the United States and, on each subsequent tour, it was always the highlight of the show. ”, Continued the musician of 33 years.

A new Tokio Hotel album is due out next year. The group also hopes to go on tour again.

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