Hard rock legend Eddie Van Halen dies

Eddie Van Halen, guitarist and founder of the legendary hard rock group of the same name from the 1980s, died on Tuesday at the age of 65, after a “long battle” with cancer, announced his son Wolf.

“My father, Edward Lodewijk Van Halen, lost his long and difficult battle with cancer this morning,” writes Wolf Van Halen on Twitter.

Hard rock legend

Figure of the hard rock of the 1980s, made popular by their hit “Jump” sold in millions of copies worldwide, the group Van Halen was founded in Pasadena, near Los Angeles by Eddie and his older brother Alex (drums ), with singer David Lee Roth.

Virtuoso guitarist

Eddie Van Halen was born in the Netherlands but grew up in Pasadena. He was considered a virtuoso guitarist and was particularly distinguished by a legendary guitar solo on Michael Jackson's “Beat It” in 1983.

“The best father”

“He was the best father you could dream of. Every moment I shared with him on and off stage was a gift, ”added Wolfgang“ Wolf ”Van Halen, who replaced the band's original bassist (Michael Anthony) in 2007 when David Lee Roth reunited with Van Halen. for a tour, after a separation of more than twenty years.

After David Lee Roth left, Van Halen continued to release albums and perform with singers Sammy Hagar and then Gary Cherone, but never regained the popularity of the first period.

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